Community Programs
Assistance Programs
Caddo Community Action Agency (CCAA), Inc. changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes Caddo Parish a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
Burial Assistance
CCAA provides burial assistance to families that are the immediate next of kin. The deceased must have resided in Caddo Parish and the applicant cannot have any insurance for the deceased. Make an appointment by contacting CCAA Main Office.
Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Rent/Mortgage
CCAA provides one month rent/mortgage assistance to Caddo Parish residents that are in dire situations. Applicant can only receive assistance once and must have an eviction/default notice and provide plans for self-sufficiency. The assistance will provide one month’s rent/mortgage (principal and interest only) and will not pay for late fees or deposits. Applicant must meet the CSBG Poverty Guideline. For Details or to make an appointment contact CCAA Main Office.
Emergency Aid for Disaster Assistance
CCAA assist individuals/families by American Red Cross referral only, living in Caddo Parish that are in need from disasters such as a fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, etc. Make an appointment by contacting CCAA Main Office.
FEMA: Emergency Food Shelter Program
CCAA provides emergency food and shelter assistance to Caddo Parish residents that are in dire situations. An applicant can only receive assistance once every two years. There is no income guideline, but the applicant must have an eviction notice. The assistance will only pay for one month’s rent, and it will not pay for late fees or deposits. If you are in need, please Make an appointment by contacting CCAA Main Office.
Housing Counseling
CCAA provides assistance in supportive services, such as home mortgage debt management, renter debt management, property care, default and assignment counseling.
LIHEAP: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
LIHEAP is provided to eligible households to reduce the burden of home energy costs for residents of Caddo Parish. Caddo residents may receive assistance twice per year (every six months). Fuels include, but are not limited to electricity, oil, gas, wood, propane, and butane. Payments are made directly to the energy suppliers. Proof of income is required along with a bill or printout from the client's utility company/companies. Contact CCAA Community Center for information and to schedule an appointment.
Louisiana Housing Corporation LIHEAP Program Overview
Material Center/Food Bank
The Material Center is located at the Eddie D. Jones/Lakeside Community Center, 1729 Ford Street. The Material Center distributes items that have been donated to the Agency, such as clothing, shoes, furniture, other household items, and food. These items are distributed to needy persons in Caddo Parish.
Shreveport Water Assistance Program (SWAP)
SWAP is designed to assist City of Shreveport households with water utility payments. Eligible persons may receive assistance one time every six months, twice within a calendar year. Contact or visit your nearest CCAA Community Center for further details or to complete an application.
Who is Eligible?
A person receiving public assistant and the name of that person MUST be the name of the person listed on the water bill. Co-tenants are not eligible to apply for assistance.
Eligibility Requirements for the Applicant:
Current water bill or cut-off notice in the name of the applicant
Current picture I.D. and social security cards for all household members
ONE of the following current forms, verifying you are a recipient:
SNAP (Food Stamps) – On the Budget Sheet the “from” and “to” of the certification date MUST be dated in the month that you are applying
SSI (Supplemental Security Income) – The award letter MUST list the applicants name on it as receiving the benefit not the beneficiary.
CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program), TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) and KCSP (Kinship Care Subsidy Program) – follow the same guidelines as SNAP
Service Locations
Community Programs operates out of 3 locations: Central Office and two Community Centers located throughout Caddo Parish to take applications for various assistance programs that are geared toward meeting the needs of low-income citizens.
David Raines Community CenterShreveport, LA 71107
Louisiana Relay 711
Housing Counseling
Shreveport, LA 71103
Louisiana Relay 711
Housing Counseling
Shreveport, LA 71108
Louisiana Relay 711
Burial Assistance