Head Start Program » Program Overview

Program Overview

Caddo Parish Commission Head Start Program

Caddo Parish Commission Head Start Program

Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development.

In the heart of Shreveport, Louisiana, the Caddo Parish Commission Head Start Program grantee is the Caddo Parish Commission (CPC). Caddo Community Action Agency, Inc, (CCAA) is the delegate agency responsible for operating the CPC Head Start Program.

The CPC Head Start Program has been in operation for over fifty years and has helped tens of thousands of pre-school children transition into kindergarten. The program operates eleven Head Start centers, one Early Head Start (EHS) center, and two EHS classrooms at Arc Caddo-Bossier.

Funded Enrollment

Head Start
1,564 slots
85 classrooms
11 centers
Early Head Start
84 slots**
10 classrooms
2 centers
** Four of the slots in the Early Head Start program are dedicated to pregnant moms.
Total Enrollment
Our Head Start Program enrolls students all year long. Now is always a good time to start the application process.
During the months March through August is the key recruitment period for the upcoming school year.
Apply Today
Complete an Enrollment Application Online
Contact a Family Service Advocate at your nearest Head Start Center


Eligibility. Recruitment. Selection. Enrollment. Attendance.

Family Service Advocates (FSAs) are responsible for recruitment of Head Start children.  Once an application is submitted and entered in the ChildPlus Data System, the system selects the students with the highest points based on the Selection Criteria. FSAs enroll students and track attendance throughout the school year.

Each HS/EHS center has at least one Family Service Advocate.

Program Services

Our Head Start program provides high-quality early education and child development services, including for children with disabilities, which promote children’s cognitive, social, and emotional growth for later success in school.
Parent Involvement
Parents have access to the Parenting Center all-year round.  The Parenting Center offers cooking classes, HiSET/GED classes, and other activities to engage parents and their families.
 Pregnant Moms
Expectant mothers are served through home visits by an Early Head Start Home Visitor and/or Early Head Start nurse, depending upon the location of the family, the needs of the family, and the situation of the expectant mother.
The Health Content Area ensures each child’s medical and dental requirements are met and that children with health concerns receive Individual Health Plans (IHP).
 Mental Health
The Program focuses on a wellness approach to mental health with strong emphasis on reducing risks and assisting Head Start children with developing healthy habits and appropriate social skills.
All Head Start programs are required to have 10% of enrollment be made available to children with disabilities. Children with disabilities receive an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
The Nutrition Content Area responsibility is to promote child wellness by providing nutrition services that supplement and complement those of the home and community.
Federal Head Start programs are not mandated to provide transportation to its students. However, the CPC Head Start Program has elected to provide this privilege to parents who have no means of providing transportation for their children.
 Technology & Communication
We are continuously working to enhance and improve technology and communication with our students, parents, staff and community.


Head Start / Early Head Start Centers

Alphonse Jackson, Jr. Early Head Start Center
2600 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive 
Shreveport, LA 71107
(318) 629-1900
Center Manager
Sarvitra Godwin
Arc Caddo-Bossier Early Head Start Center
351 Jordan Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
(318) 221-8392
Center Manager
LaShanda Davis
Balistine W. Hopkins Head Start Center
1730 Cox Street
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 632-5588
Center Manager
Betty Jackson
Brown E. Moore Head Start Center
409 Janet Lane 
Shreveport, LA 71106
(318) 682-3933
Center Manager
Billy Gully, Jr.
C. E. Galloway Head Start Center
335 East Olive Street 
Shreveport, LA 71104
(318) 425-1199
Center Manager
Phyllis Carter
David Raines Head Start Center
1625 David Raines Road 
Shreveport, LA 71107
(318) 227-9940
Center Manager
Carrie Horton
Eddie D. Jones Head Start Center
1729 Ford Street
Shreveport, LA 71103
(318) 222-1655
Center Manager
Latiesha Guyton
Hersey D Wilson Head Start Center
4055 St. Vincent Avenue Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 868-6360
Center Manager
Carmella Lafitte
Faith Lutheran Head Start Center
4030 Doris Street
Shreveport, LA 71109
(318) 632-9423
Center Manager
Synthia Johnson-Gully
Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. Head Start Center
1729 Cox Street
 Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 841-0262
Center Manager
Renita Linnear
Lake Bethlehem Head Start Center
2840 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 
Shreveport, LA 71107
(318) 227-9091
Center Manager
Sharon Moore
Mt. Bethel Head Start Center
3479 Mt. Bethel Road
Keithville, LA 71047
(318) 925-3457
Center Manager
Monica Owens-Davis
Roy "Hoppy" Hopkins Head Start Center
210 Allen Avenue
Oil City, LA 71061
(318) 995-7654
Center Manager
Latisha Graham
Parenting Center
1755 Corbitt Street
Shreveport, LA 71108
(318) 213-7007
Parent Involvement Coordinator
Jane Davis
Caddo Parish Commission Head Start Program
Administrative Offices
4055 Saint Vincent Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71108
Head Start / EHS Director
Gregory Bradley